Individual Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness can strike at any moment, leaving individuals with a heap of medical bills and out-of-pocket costs. Individual critical illness insurance from CBK Insurance Services covers expenses associated with a qualifying serious illness by providing a lump sum of cash. As an added layer of financial support, this insurance is particularly beneficial for truck drivers, nurses, and other professionals who frequently travel and may not have immediate access to their preferred healthcare services.

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How Does Critical Illness Insurance Work?

Critical illness insurance is a type of health insurance plan designed to provide financial support when a critical health incident occurs. Unlike traditional health insurance that pays directly to medical providers, critical illness insurance pays a lump sum cash benefit directly to the insured, providing financial flexibility during challenging times.

When you purchase a critical illness insurance policy from CBK Insurance Services, you’re investing in a safety net that covers a range of critical illnesses and surgeries. This includes life-threatening conditions like cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and major organ transplants, among others.

The plan is a renewable term, 5-year life insurance plan that pays the stated death benefit to the insured’s designated beneficiary. It also includes an accelerated critical illness benefit, which provides an up-front payment to the insured if diagnosed with a covered critical illness or injury, or if they undergo a covered critical surgical procedure.

Benefits of a Critical Illness Plan from CBK

Critical illness insurance is especially beneficial for individuals with high financial obligations, such as a mortgage, or those with savings they don’t want to deplete due to medical costs. It’s an excellent solution for professionals who spend a significant amount of time on the road, away from their homes and regular healthcare providers.

Why Choose CBK Critical Illness Coverage

Navigating the world of individual critical illness insurance can be quite a challenge. At CBK Insurance Services, we’ve simplified this process to make it as straightforward as possible for you. Our critical illness policy is specifically designed to help you cover medical costs and other financial obligations without unnecessary stress when life throws unexpected challenges your way.

Our dedicated team is committed to offering you a critical illness insurance plan that is both affordable and comprehensive, by covering a wide range of critical illnesses and surgeries. Don’t wait until a serious illness strikes, secure your future today with CBK’s critical illness coverage.

How CBK Makes Critical Illness Coverage Easy

At CBK Insurance Services, we believe that getting critical illness insurance should be a stress-free process. Our approach to providing critical illness coverage is straightforward and transparent, making it easy for you to understand what you’re signing up for.

1. Variety and customized plans

We offer a wide range of individual critical illness insurance plans, each designed to meet unique needs. If you’d like to see how you qualify, contact us today.

2. Transparency

We provide clear, detailed information about each plan. This includes the medical conditions covered, the payment benefits you’re entitled to, and any waiting periods or exclusions that may apply. This way, you’re never left in the dark about the specifics of your coverage.

3. Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service. Our team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have, ensuring that you feel supported every step of the way.

In essence, we’ve made the process of securing critical illness insurance as easy as 1, 2, 3!

With CBK Insurance Services, you can be confident that you’re making an informed decision about your health and financial future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does critical illness insurance work?
Critical illness insurance is designed to provide financial support in the event of a serious illness. When a covered critical health incident occurs, our critical illness policy offers lump sum benefit payments to help offset any out-of-pocket healthcare expenses or other household expenses. If no incident like this occurs, 100% of the plan’s benefit amount is paid, upon the insured’s death, to the named beneficiary. This coverage combines a 5-year renewable term life benefit with a stated percentage of the life benefit paid in total for covered critical illnesses, injuries, and surgeries.
Is critical illness insurance worth it?
Critical illness insurance can be worth it for many individuals. A critical illness policy can provide peace of mind for those with financial obligations such as a mortgage, or savings that they don’t want to spend on recovery. The benefit amount received can help you focus on recovery rather than worrying about finances. The cash can be used for any purpose deemed necessary, from protecting assets and paying mortgages to covering medical expenses not covered by health insurance.
What does critical illness insurance cover?
Our critical illness insurance covers a range of critical illnesses and surgeries. These include life-threatening cancer, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, major organ transplant, permanent paralysis, terminal illness, aorta graft surgery, heart valve surgery, coronary angioplasty, and COVID-19 infection complications resulting in inpatient hospital confinement. The benefit for most of these conditions is 100% of the death benefit.
How much is critical illness insurance?
The cost of critical illness insurance can vary based on several factors, including the selected monthly premium and the individual’s health history. To get a better understanding of how much critical illness insurance would cost for you, we recommend scheduling a 5-minute call with one of our agents. They can provide a personalized quote based on your specific needs and circumstances.